Marqueuses pour fil et câble

Cable Marking

For over 40 years, Taymer has been making cable marking machines for wire, cable, pipe and conduit plastic extrusion lines. Through listening to our customers cable marking needs, we have developed innovative cable marking products including Hot Foil Printers, Indent Printers, Contact Ink Printers and Inkjet Solutions.

Wire Markers

Taymer manufactures high and low speed wire printing machines for wire harness fabricators, including continuous hot stamp wire markers and a control jet system for harness fabrication and cable assembly markers, providing printing solutions for the automotive, aerospace and construction industries.

Taymer’S Printer Benefits

Our Hot Foil Printers and Wire Hot Stamping Machines are economical to purchase and operate. All wire and cable marking machinery is manufactured in North America from locally available off-the-shelf components. Manufacturing is handled entirely by Taymer to ensure adherence to the standards and tolerances that have made the wire harness hot stamping machine the most reliable and rugged on the market. Our approach to hot foil printing for cable allows us to set new standards in print quality, accurate length measurement, reliability and ease of operation.

And now we have extended our product range to include wire and cable length measurement equipment as well as camera inspection systems for print verification and much more. For optimal quality and productivity you can combine a Taymer Hot Stamping Machine together with either cable length measurement equipment or camera inspection print verification. Taymer’s cable hot foil printers can also be factory outfitted with the camera inspection system for print verification.

Taymer Benefits - Print Quality

Print Quality

Notre qualité d’impression supérieure est le résultat de plusieurs facteurs:

  • Le contrôle de la température du tambour améliore la qualité d’impression grâce à une température constante et précise
  • Les insertions pour le marquage sont gravées avec des tolérances strictes et la taille des caractères peut être spécifiquement adaptée aux besoins du client
  • Un automate ajuste et synchronise la vitesse du tambour et du câble pour une qualité supérieure et une précision de mesure de la longueur
  • La conception de notre système maximise la quantité de pigment appliquée sur le câble pour assurer une impression nette et lumineuse.
  • La conception du système de guidage et du tambour d’impression garantit que l’impression est claire et complète même si le câble change de forme ou tourne
  • Notre tête d’impression unique assure un fonctionnement fiable à long terme

Notre tête d’impression unique assure un fonctionnement fiable à long terme

Chaque roue est trempée, rectifiée et polie selon notre processus personnalisé afin d’éviter le collage et le préavancement. Sa conception encastrée réduit les frottements et assure une avance précise.

Le boîtier du verrou est fabriqué à partir d’un alliage d’acier afin d’éviter toute distorsion de forme sous charge. Notre fonction de “verrouillage positif” empêche les roues d’impression de sauter plus d’un cran en avant par révolution.

Le reste de la machine est tout aussi robuste. Nous avons remis à neuf des têtes de plus de 20 ans dont beaucoup des composants d’origine tels que les arbres, les roues et les cames étaient réutilisables.

Taymer Benefits - Accuracy and cost effectiveness

Accuracy & Cost Effectiveness

Our thirty five years of experience has resulted in a printer which adjusts the speed of the drum every 2 milliseconds. You are able to adjust the length numbering in increments of +/-.001 to ensure that excess cable is not produced.

In addition, tape is advanced only when printing so that there is no wasted tape for areas of the cable without a legend. Our equipment can also be interfaced to a laser-measuring unit if desired.

Taymer Benefits - Reliability


We are the designers, builders and maintainers of all our equipment . Our equipment is tested extensively before shipment to confirm everything is working to specification.

When service is required, we offer a complete inventory of parts and accessories and are available for support and advise through a toll-free support number.

Taymer Benefits - Ease of Use

Ease of Use

Our customers find that they can disassemble, clean and reassemble the Taymer print head in less time than it takes to just disassemble the print heads they used previously. The machine is less complicated and easy to maintain, the result of an overall better design. Other key features include:

  • Ability to print in both feet and meters – a switch over can be accomplished in minutes or on the HF 4000, immediately
  • Dual Tape spools and accumulators allowing continuous operation and eliminating tape splicing
  • One the fly, manual or automatic reset of the sequential printing head without loss of measurement


Taymer understands the wire and cable marking industry and the maintenance and production challenges you face on a day-to-day basis. The quality of our hot foil printing and hot stamping machines allows us to stand behind them with confidence.

The simplicity of our hot stamping machines make installation very quick and painless allowing you to focus on fulfilling your customer orders. Our robustly designed hot foil printers will withstand the rigors of the production environment, giving you many tens of years of continuous service.

If you should happen to have a problem with your hot stamping machine, hot foil printer, camera inspection system, give us a call on our toll free number and let us deal promptly with any issue that may arise. Let us take the hassle out of the wire and cable marking process.